Michal Skotny
Gross Score: 52
Played on: Jul 24th, 2020
Round Comments:

Straight back
Grip adjust right hand fingers
Not too close

Shepperton, N7
Score 52
Net Score 34
Avg Putts 1.9
GIR 11%
  • 9
  • 6
  • 2
  • 6
  • 5
  • 7
  • 7
  • 4
  • 6


  • Michal Skotny
    Relaxed left arm. Take practice swing. Have club right arm dominant. Have ball to right. Slow back swing. Lift arm above shoulder. Swing with right arm ( power). Hips forward
    Jul 25th, 8:43 am
  • Michal Skotny
    And get right arm comfortable first. 2 knuckes on left showing.
    Jul 25th, 9:02 am