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HeatherGlen Golf Club

234024 Range Road #285
Rockyview, AB
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The original HeatherGlen Golf Course opened in 1987 with nine holes and was soon expanded to an 18-hole course with a 15,000 square-foot clubhouse. In 1991, new owners acquired what was then a private facility with the intention of turning it into a daily fee public course.

A number of changes began including renovation of five of the existing holes. Then in 1998, 10 new holes were added to the course to create the current layout of three nines. The layout of the original holes has been changed to incorporate the new holes and one of the original holes was removed. Now all three nines start and finish at the clubhouse. You'll also be impressed with the trees that have been added to the course and the ponds and lakes.

Having three nines makes for a golf club with great variety. It's like having three different courses available to you.

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